A Monday drive on the interweb without a net

let slip the dogs of snore

Due to the yankee Memorial weekend, the Monday blog hop I’ve been test driving from Never Growing Old is not happening today.  I’m not keen on joining another hop just now but I do want to keep posting on Mondays because the experts (blog gods? bog dogs?) say set up a schedule and stick to it.

This is me sticking to it. I’ve pulled a set of questions off the Meet Me On Monday page from before I started – pretty easy considering I’ve only been hanging around for the last 2 of 46….So, here we go:


1.  What is your favorite kind of muffin?
2.  What was the first car you ever owned?
3.  Which TV Show were you sad to see end?
4.  What is your lucky number?
5.  Pretzels or Potato Chips?


1:What is your favorite kind of muffin? Whatever comes out of my borked muffin pans relatively intact.

When I worked in the Armadillo Diner (of which I have many stories, few that can be told prior to the death of either the other parties involved or myself) I was on the opening shift which entailed all the baking. I came up with a killer orange/lemon poppy seed muffin variation that was also a great natural anti-depressant. So, I’d have to say my orange/lemon poppy seed muffins. Or lemon blueberry streusel.

2.What was the first car you ever owned? Ah, a 1964 Ford Anglia. She had lots of potential, I must say, but mostly a four cylinder drain on the bank account. From radiator to tail pipe everything needed patching, replacing, boring out or praying over. She sucked up bondo like an alcoholic crashing a wedding and blew smoke like an english lord. I finally sent her off to the knacker’s yard when I couldn’t locate a pair of tie rod ends this side of the Atlantic.

3.Which TV Show were you sad to see end?  No question, Firefly. Or maybe Battlestar Galactica…no, no, Firefly. Mostly because in a “who would I like to have dinner with most” contest, Edward James Olmos would be fascinating to listen to (what a voice) but I have to go with my fellow University of Alberta alumnus, Nathan Filion–go Golden Bears.


4. What is your lucky number? As I have mentioned innumerable times, I don’t do well with numbers. In school when these critters were first introduced to me I anthropomorphized them to the point I could not then nor still cannot look at a number without seeing a person. So, 5 or 2 are probably the most likeable, 7 is a definite flirt and 3 is wound as tight as a cheap watch. I’m a sucker for the strong silent type so if I had to choose it would be 9–a little Clark Gable and a little James Stewart.  6 is too Lost Boys Kieffer Sutherland.

5. Pretzels or Potato Chips? Hmmmm, gotta go with my heart here and vote potato chips…The favorite is Oregano chips which seem to be available only in Greece. Yes, they sound pretty bleah and that first bag was very much an impulse buy (not being able to read greek may have helped) but my otherwise fussy tofu-free family tucked right in.

I also have a soft spot of Old Dutch Onion and Garlic which are making a revival after several years absence. But they are only to be indulged in when about to board an overbooked flight and I don’t feel like talking to whoever ends up next to me in the cattle car section. I almost always end up in the center seat because of my diminished stature so I take whatever advantage available for stopping arm rest poachers and other inconsiderate comfort rustlers.

There, another Monday post – not a hop but it is done and don’t we all feel better for it?

Now, pardon me while I go back to Greece: I deserve a few minutes in my happy place for getting this done.




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