Friday…what more is there to say?

I work because I like being out in the world. After 15 years of being an at-home mom I’ve had enough of being told how it is the most important job in the world…Maybe but the monetary compensation is pretty lousy and everyone who mouths that piety turns away and starts talking to someone they are sure will be more interesting…I mean, what can a mom have to talk about other than babies, poop and cute things the little darling said? Doesn’t matter that I was more up-to-date on current events than most of the people my husband worked with because they spent their day deep in the heart of the world of technology while I was listening to CBC, reading the newspaper and watching the news. I hate almost all daytime tv – 10 minutes of Jerry Springer are about all I can take and then only because I know it is urban guerilla theatre at its finest. The bleeping gets too much and it is pretty predictable after a few episodes. Like watching some long running soap opera, you really only have to watch every 10th show to stay on top of the story line. Well, with Jerry it’s every couple of months for 10 minutes…

Now I work part time, answer phones and do the invoicing for a small company. It gets me out of the house, I can talk to the guys – carpenters and drywallers – for a laugh and Shel, the boss. He is the most decent guy I’ve worked for all my, which isn’t too tough considering some of the prize winners I’ve dealt with. Anyway, it’s a relaxed atmosphere – I can wear jeans and t-shirts, when my daughters have appointments there’s no problem. Time is flexible as long as I’m there for the payroll days – two days every two weeks, basically. Pay is the shits but the benefits are a good fit. And my language has gone downhill.It is quite cute, actually, to watch the shocked look on Shel’s face when I do swear – like old ladies like me have never heard ‘fuck’ before even though it is every second word spoken by the guys.

But now I’ve got a weekend and I actually look forward to them. Used to dread them because my house was invaded by these people who claim to be family…always under foot and keeping me from my routine. And I never really knew what day of the week it was anyway. Strange the way time suspended itself for 15 years…

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