Some of what’s here
- Stuttering is Cool and so is Daniele Rossi November 30, 2020
- October 12, 2020 October 12, 2020
- For They Who Walk the Walk… September 5, 2020
- A common misconception August 4, 2020
- The 60’s as it was spoke June 19, 2020
Category Archives: canada
What else could it be for the letter “H”?
Why do I like hockey? Well, I came to the game naturally. Buried in the basement in a bundle of old photos is this picture post card of a hockey game in Edmonton. As you can see, it’s back … Continue reading
Posted in A-Z challenge, canada, memoir
Tagged blue pucks, concussion, Edmonton, Foxtrax, hockey, Marty the Marmot, misogyny, seasonal affected disorder