My most favorite author and all time brilliant but misunderstood writer, Dorothy Parker (pause, genuflect and meditate for a moment on one or another bon mot that name brings to mind) wrote a lovely litte short story with that title that serves well as a audition piece for actresses. But beware, it is incredibly challenging to pull off as a party piece.
I mention it only because I am shameless in using just about any opportunity to show off Miss Parker and expand the world’s knowledge of one of the great writers of the 20th century. Yes, I seriously believe that. Even better than Hemingway…okay, I am not a huge Hemingway fan to begin with so my opinion there may be slightly skewed.
But before I let my inner English major hijack this post, I’d best get back to why I chose that title and how it relates to the letter “B”.
One of the suggestions on the A-Z challenge blog page is keep it short, keep it simple. While I personally may be both, my blogging style, as many…some…someone out there…can attest are rarely either.
This one is to be short and about something very little but wonderful and worthy of attention. Thanks to Mimi Boothby , talented painter and blogger, I was introduced to a wee creature, the Black Footed Cat. I’m not sure why I am so taken with this one, maybe it’s because it looks a lot like our family cat but smaller (you could fit 2 black footed cats in our cat and she’d still have room for dessert).
It is probably one of the more endangered wild cats skulking about the planet but many organizations are working to change that. There is the International Society for Endangered Cats or the Feline Conservation Federation . Check the links and read about the critters.
Oh, and they’re small but feisty. There are reports of them bringing down animals much, much bigger than they are, like, um, sheep…
And that is my short post…shortish…yeah, I’ll practise…
For those who want to ready “Just a Little One” here’s a link…
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