Especially when someone says they will be posting here and there and so many other places all the time, honest…I greatly overestimated my psychic abilities in assuming some form of magic would transmit to y’all the brilliant words and images I was composing in my fevered brain as I tramped all over Europe.
A little extra wifi may have helped but there was also a frustration factor with having to put pictures into blog posts on an Ipad…
Yes, I know, first world whining here, “what, champagne at room temperature? Do you think I’m a savage?….” BUT we were not traveling in some backward part of the world. I’m talking Europe here which is supposed to be (and is) ahead of us in so many ways. Well, in furniture and allowing dogs into pubs, at least. But when it comes to technology like wifi, it ain’t quite there yet.
So, I learned to do without. It took a few days to get over the itch and I still feel a great deal of guilt for leaving y’all in the lurch…I know, you understand, I was busy, I had better things to do…don’t be such a martyr, it’s me who should apologize…Okay then, this conversation has gone well beyond the point of stream of consciousness and is entering bat-shit crazy zone. Pardon me while I apply a course correction.
Anyway, as I was saying, I didn’t realize just how dependent I’ve become on modern technology and instant communication and user friendly interface platforms double speak for this magic-happens-here that hosts my blogs. Yes, and the Mr. Magic in my life who makes it all possible. But that is another story.
So, I’m back and looking at a great steaming pile of reality. First off, no promises but I will try to get things back on track.
Second, I’m going to head over to the Sermons in Stones blog over the next few days and post some post-travel travel posts about the trip so I can show off a few of the zsazsagabillion photos I took over the last four weeks. Some of them are even relatively decent but that is due far more to modern digital camera technology than any photo abilities on my part.
Third…ah, poop, I know there was something else but it seems to have gone walkabout. Ain’t getting old the pits?