This is an exercise to perform every day and, just to make it challenging, every day name five different things from the previous days…never repeat. Of course that is impossible as some things will come up and who could possibly remember if it was mentioned before. But I’m ducking the question.
1. CBC. The whole thing, radio, television and website. What it has done for the country and the information it gives me every morning. There is always something to think about on the local, national and international arenas and CBC seems to give the most complete picture.
2. Chairs. I think I like chairs too much in that I gravitate towards them rather than stand for any length of time. There is a current trend to standing desks and office design to keep people on their feet. More energy is expended by standing but, let’s face it, I’m old and standing too long means swollen ankles. So chairs rank right up there.
3. Home made bread. I made it so is it right to be thankful? That I have the opportunity and the mechanisms ready to hand to make it. That I have the skill and desire to make it. That it actually tastes and looks like bread…all of these things are bundled up into that one modest loaf.
4. Car insurance. One of those things everyone complains about having to pay for but, man, when it’s needed it is a great thing. Today and for the past three days, I am grateful for car insurance.
5. the slippers my sister-in-law made for me. It’s starting to get cold out and I have warm, felted slippers to put my cold feet into. That they are handmade is definitely a bonus.
There, my five things for today. If you are wondering why I haven’t mentioned my husband, my children, family, my life here in Victoria and all those things, well, this is a daily gratitude list…reminding me of the little things in life that I am grateful for.
My life here, my husband and family are the context of my life. This list is merely details, decoration. I can live without a chair; I cannot live without Mark and my daughters. I would exist but I would not be alive.